Project Description

About this Project

Project includes total revoicing of the existing III/67 G&W pipework, new switching system for the G&W console, and a new four manual tilt tab terrace-style console for the added Chancel organ. The new chancel organ is integrated with the rear organ, and both are able to be played from the new console.

Stop List

GALLERY 1. Violone 16′
GREAT 2. Principal 8′
Unenclosed 3. Violone 8′
Manual II 4. Flûte harmonique 8′
5. Bourdon 8′
6. Octave 4′
7. Flûte conique 4′
8. Quint 2 2/3′
9. Super Octave 2′
10. Terz 1 3/5′
11. Mixture IV 1 1/3′
12. Scharf IV 2/3′
13. Posaune 16′
14. Fagot 16′
15. Tromba 8′
16. Trumpet 8′
17. French Horn (Choir) 8′
18. Trompette en chamade 8′
19. Tomba Major (Choir) 8′
20. Chimes
21. Tremolo
22. Gallery Great Sub 16′
23. Gallery Great Unison Off
24. Gallery Great Super 4′
25. Gallery Swell to Great 16′
26. Gallery Swell to Great 8′
27. Gallery Swell to Great 4′
28. Gallery Choir to Great 16′
29. Gallery Choir to Great 8′
30. Gallery Choir to Great 4′


CHANCEL 1. Violincello (exp) 16′
GREAT 2. First Open Diapason 8′
Unenclosed 3. Second Open Diapason 8′
Manual II 4. Principal Flute 8′
5. Clarabella (exp) 8′
6. Cello (exp) 8′
7. Cello Sharp (exp) 8′
8. Octave 4′
9. Waldflute (exp) 4′
10. Twelfth 2 2/3′
11. Fifteenth 2′
12. Chorus Mixture V 2′
13. Harmonics Mixture IV (exp) 1 3/5′
14. Contra Tromba (exp) 16′
15. Tromba (exp) 8′
16. Tuba (exp) 8′
17. Bishop’s Trumpet (Orchestral) 8′
18. Tuba Mirabilis (Orchestral) 8′
19. Clear Flute (Orchestral) 8′
20. Choeur des Violes
21. Chimes (Orchestral)
22. Tremolo
23. Great/Choir exchange
24. Great Sub
25. Great Unison Off
26. Great Super
27. Swell to Great 16′
28. Swell to Great 8′
29. Swell to Great 4′
30. Choir to Great 16′
31. Choir to Great 8′
32. Choir to Great 4′
33. Orchestral to Great 16′
34. Orchestral to Great 8′
35. Orchestral to Great 4′


GALLERY 1. Gedeckt 16′
SWELL 2. Geigen Principal 8′
Expressive 3. Gedeckt 8′
Manual III 4. Viole 8′
5. Voix céleste 8′
6. Muted Violes III 8′
7. Principal 4′
8. Hohl Flute 4′
9. Octave 2′
10. Quint 1 1/3′
11. Plein Jeu III-IV 2′
12. Cymbale III 1′
13. Contre Trompette 16′
14. Fagotto 16′
15. Trompette 8′
16. Flugel Horn 8′
17. Hautbois 8′
18. Voix humaine 8′
19. Clairon 4′
20. Trompette en chamade (Great) 8′
21. Tromba Major (Choir) 8′
22. Tremolo
23. Gallery Swell Sub
24. Gallery Swell Unison Off
25. Gallery Swell Super


CHANCEL 1. Conra Viole 16′
SWELL 2. Bourdon 16′
Expressive 3. Diapason 8′
Manual III 4. Concert Flute 8′
5. Stopped Diapason 8′
6. Viole 8′
7. Voix Celeste 8′
8. Salicional 8′
9. Salicional Celeste 8′
10. Octave 4′
11. Traverse Flute 4′
12. Salicet 4′
13. Nasard 2 2/3′
14. Harmonic Piccolo 2′
15. Salicetina 2′
16. Tierce 1 3/5′
17. Chorus Mixture V 2′
18. Waldhorn 16′
19. Cornopean 8′
20. Oboe 8′
21. Vox Humana 8′
22. Oboe Clarion 4′
23. Metallophone
24. Chimes (Orchestral)
25. Tremolo
26. Swell Sub
27. Swell Unison Off
28. Swell Super
29. Orchestral to Swell 16′
30. Orchestral to Swell 8′
31. Orchestral to Swell 4′


GALLERY 1. Viol 16′
CHOIR 2. Flauto Dolce 16′
Expressive 3. Small Diapason 8′
Manual I 4. Rohr Flute 8′
5. Viola 8′
6. Viola Sharp 8′
7. Gemshorn 8′
8. Gemshorn Celeste 8′
9. Flauto Dolce 8′
10. Flute Celeste (tc) 8′
11. Fugara 4′
12. Spiel Flute 4′
13. Nazard 2 2/3′
14. Block Flute 2′
15. Tierce 1 3/5′
16. Larigot 1 1/3′
17. Mixture III 2′
18. Clarinet 8′
19. Cromhorne 8′
20. English Horn 8′
21. Tromba Major 8′
22. Trompette en chamade (Great) 8′
23. Harp
24. Chimes (Great)
25. Tremolo
26. Choir Sub
27. Choir Unison Off
28. Choir Super
29. Gallery Swell to Choir 16′
30. Gallery Swell to Choir 8′
31. Gallery Swell to Choir 4′


CHANCEL 1. Double Dulciana 16′
CHOIR 2. Violin Diapason 8′
Expressive 3. Melodia 8′
Manual I 4. Gamba 8′
5. Gamba Celeste 8′
6. Dulciana 8′
7. Unda Maris 8′
8. Flauto Dolce 8′
9. Flute Celeste 8′
10. Principal 4′
11. Forest Flute 4′
12. Stopped Flute 4′
13. Dulcets II 4′
14. Flute Celeste II 4′
15. Twelfth 2 2/3′
16. Fifteenth 2′
17. Piccolo 2′
18. Seventeenth 1 3/5′
19. Larigot 1 1/3′
20. Fife 1′
21. Bass Clarinet 16′
22. Trumpet 8′
23. Clarinet 8′
24. English Horn 8′
25. Chimes (Orchestral)
26. Harp (Orchestral)
27. Celesta (Orchestral)
28. Clochettes (Orchestral)
29. Nightingale
30. Tremolo
31. Choir Sub
32. Choir Unison Off
33. Choir Super
34. Swell to Choir 16′
35. Swell to Choir 8′
36. Swell to Choir 4′
37. Orchestral to Choir 16′
38. Orchestral to Choir 8′
39. Orchestral to Choir 4′


ORCHESTRAL 1. Gamba 16′
Expressive 2. Clear Flute 8′
Manual IV 3. Grand Gambas II 8′
4. Violes d’Orchestre II 8′
5. Muted Viols II 8′
6. Triangular Flute 4′
7. Muted Viols II 4′
8. Choeur des Violes
9. Corno di Bassetto 16′
10. French Horn 8′
11. Orchestral Oboe 8′
12. Cor d’Amour 8′
13. Tuba Mirabilis 16′
14. Bishop’s Trumpet 8′
15. Tuba Mirabilis 8′
16. Tuba Minor 8′
17. Chimes
18. Harp
19. Celesta
20. Flue Tremolo
21. Reed Remolo
22. Orchestral Sub
23. Orchestral Unison Off
24. Orchestral Super


Ethereal 1. Viol 16′
Expressive 2. Viol Sharp 16′
Manual IV 3. Fern Flute 8′
4. Muted Gambas II 8′
5. Erzahler Celestes II 8′
6. Aeoline Celestes II 8′
7. Sylvestrinas II 8′
8. Zartflute 4′
9. Aeoline Celestes II 4′
10. Sylvestrinas II 4′
11. Dolce Mixture III 2′
12. Vox Mystica 8′
13. Choeur des Violes
14. Distant Chimes
15. Tremolo
16. Ethereal Sub
17. Ethereal Unison Off
18. Ehereal Super
19. Ethereal on Great
20. Ethereal on Swell
21. Ethereal on Choir
22. Ethereal on Orchestral


GALLERY 1. Contra Violone 32′
PEDAL 2. Contra Bourdon 32′
Unenclosed 3. Principal 32′
4. Subbass 16′
5. Violone (Great) 16′
6. Salicional 16′
7. Gedeckt (Swell) 16′
8. Lieblich Gedeckt 16′
9. Flauto Dolce (Choir) 16′
10. Quint Bass 10 2/3′
11. Octave 8′
12. Pommer 8′
13. Violone (Great) 8′
14. Gedeckt (Swell) 8′
15. Flauto Dolce (Choir) 8′
16. Choral Bass 4′
17. Nachthorn 4′
18. Octave Bass 2′
19. Mixture II 1 1/3′
20. Scharf II 2/3′
21. Contre Posaune 32′
22. Contra Fagotto (Swell) 32′
23. Posaune 16′
24. Contre Trompette (Swell) 16′
25. Fagot (Great) 16′
26. Contre Trompette (Swell) 8′
27. Fagot (Great) 8′
28. Schalmei 4′
29. Trompette en chamade (Great) 8′
30. Tromba Major (Choir) 8′
31. Gallery Great to Pedal 8′
32. Gallery Great to Pedal 4′
33. Gallery Swell to Pedal 8′
34. Gallery Swell to Pedal 4′
35. Gallery Choir to Pedal 8′
36. Gallery Choir to Pedal 4′


CHANCEL 1. Double Open Wood 32′
PEDAL 2. Contra Gamba (Orchestral) 32′
Unenclosed 3. Double Bourdon 32′
4. Open Wood 16′
5. Diapason 16′
6. Violone 16′
7. Subbass 16′
8. Bourdon (Swell) 16′
9. Still Flute 16′
10. Gamba (Orchestral) 16′
11. Salicional (Great) 16′
12. Contra Viole (Swell) 16′
13. Double Dulciana (Choir) 16′
14. Quint Bass (Swell) 10 2/3′
15. Octave 8′
16. Pommer 8′
17. Violone 8′
18. Flute 8′
19. Bourdon (Swell) 8′
20. Choral Bass 4′
21. Flute 4′
22. Forest Flute (Choir) 4′
23. Piccolo (Choir) 2′
24. Double Trombone 32′
25. Double Bassoon (Swell exp) 32′
26. Trombone 16′
27. Bassoon (Swell exp) 16′
28. Cornopean 8′
29. Oboe 8′
30. Clarion 4′
31. Chimes (Orch)
32. Great to Pedal 8′
33. Great to Pedal 4′
34. Swell to Pedal 8′
35. Swell to Pedal 4′
36. Choir to Pedal 8′
37. Choir to Pedal 4′
38. Orchestral to Pedal 8′
39. Orchestral to Pedal 4′
40. Ethereal to Pedal 8′


COUPLERS 1. Gallery Organ Silent
2. Chancel Organ Silent
3. All Gallery Swells to Swell
4. All Chancel Swells to Swell
5. Crescendo Activate