Project Description

Stop List

GREAT 1. Violone 16′
Expressive 2. Principal 8′
Manual II 3. Violone 8′
4. Holzgedeckt 8′
5. Gemhorn Celeste II 8′
6. Octave 4′
7. Spitzflute 4′
8. Twelfth 2 2/3′
9. Doublette 2′
10. Seventeenth 1 3/5′
11. Fourniture II-IV 1 1/3′
12. Corno di Bassetto 16′
13. Trompette 8′
14. Zimbelstern
Solo Tuba Sub
Bells on Great

SWELL 1. Rohrbourdon 16′
Expressive 2. Geigen Principal 8′
Manual III 3. Viola 8′
4. Voix Celeste 8′
5. Rohrflute 8′
6. Flute Celeste II 8′
7. Spitzprincipal 4′
8. Harmonic Flute 4′
9. Harmonic Piccolo 2′
10. Plein Jeu IV 2′
11. Cymbal III 1′
12. Double Trumpet 16′
13. Trompette 8′
14. Hautbois 8′
15. English Horn 8′
16. Clarion 4′
17. Tremulant
18. Swell to Swell 16′
19. Swell Unison Off
20. Swell to Swell 4′
Bells on Swell
Choir 1. Cello 8′
Expressive 2. Cello Celeste 8′
Manual I 3. Harmonic Flute 8′
4. Concert Flute 8′
5. Bourdon 8′
6. Prestant 4′
7. Koppelflute 4′
8. Nazard 2 2/3′
9. Blockflute 2′
10. Tierce 1 3/5′
11. Larigot 1 1/3′
12. Vox Humana 8′
13. French Horn 8′
14. Clarinet 8′
15. Cromorne 8′
16. Tuba Major 8′
17. Tremulant
18. Choir to Choir 16′
19. Choir Unison Off
20. Choir to Choir 4′
21. Chimes
22. Harp


PEDAL 1. Contra Bourdon 32′
Unenclosed 2. Contrebasse 16′
3. Violone (Great) 16′
4. Subbass 16′
5. Rohrbourdon (Swell) 16′
6. Principal 8′
7. Bourdon 8′
8. Rohrflute (Swell) 8′
9. Choral Bass 4′
10. Nachthorn 4′
11. Rauschquinte II 2 2/3′
12. Contra Posaune 32′
13. Posaune 16′
14. Double Trumpet (Swell) 16′
15. Hautbois (Swell) 8′
16. Trumpet 8′
17. Clarion 4′
18. English Horn (Swell) 4′


COUPLERS 1. Great to Pedal 8′
2. Great to Pedal 4′
3. Swell to Pedal 8′
4. Swell to Pedal 4′
5. Choir to Pedal 8′
6. Choir to Pedal 4′
LCD Display Screen
7. Swell to Great 16′
8. Swell to Great 8′
9. Swell to Great 4′
10. Choir to Great 16′
11. Choir to Great 8′
12. Choir to Great 4′
13. Swell to Choir 16′
14. Swell to Choir 8′
15. Swell to Choir 4′
16. Great/Choir Exchange
17. All Swells to Swell
18. Nave Shades On