Project Description

Stop List

GREAT 1. Quintaten 16′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 8′
Manual II 3. Gedeckt 8′
4. Flute Harmonique 8′
5. Octave 4′
6. Rohrflote 4′
7. Twelfth 2 2/3′
8. Fifteenth 2′
9. Fourniture IV
10. Trumpet 8′
11. Tremulant

SWELL 1. Diapason 8′
Expressive 2. Rohr Bourdon 8′
Manual III 3. Viola Pomposa 8′
4. Viola Celeste 8′
5. Flute Celeste II 8′
6. Principal  4′
7. Flauto Traverso 4′
8. Waldflute 2′
9. Larigot 1 1/3′
10. Plein Jeu IV
11. Basson 16′
12. Fagott 8′
13. Trompette 8′
14. Hautbois 4′
15. Tremulant
16. Swell to Swell 16′
17. Unison Off
18. Swell to Swell 4′


CHOIR 1. Quintflote 8′
Expressive 2. Dulciana 8′
Manual I 3. Unda Maris 8′
4. Principal 4′
5. Koppleflute 4′
6. Nasat 2 2/3″
7. Blockflute 2′
8. Terz 1 3/5′
9. Clarinet 8′
10. Trompette Harmonique 8′
11. Tremulant
12. Choir to Choir 16′
13. Unison Off
14. Choir to Choir 4′


SOLO 1. Doppleflute 8′
Expressive 2. Erzhaler 8′
Floating 3. Erzhaler Celeste 8′
4. Vox Humana 8′
5. English Horn 8′
6. Tuba 8′
7. Tremulant


PEDAL 1. Contra Bourdon 32′
Unenclosed 2. Contra Basse 16′
3. Bourdon 16′
4. Quintaten (Gt) 16′
5. Octave  8′
6. Spitzflute 8′
7. Choral Bass 4′
8. Nachthorn 4′
9. Mixture III
10. Contra Posaune 32′
11. Posaune 16′
12. Basson (Sw) 16′
13. Trompette 8′
14. Trompette Harmonique (Ch) 8′
15. Klarine 4′


COUPLERS 1 Great to Pedal 8′
2 Great to Pedal 4′
3 Swell to Pedal 8′
4 Swell to Pedal 4′
5 Choir to Pedal 8′
6 Choir to Pedal 4′
7 Solo to Pedal 8′
8 Solo to Pedal 4′
status screen
9 Swell to Great 16′
10 Swell to Great 8′
11 Swell to Great 4′
12 Choir to Great 16′
13 Choir to Great 8′
14 Choir to Great 4′
15 Swell to Choir 16′
16 Swell to Choir 8′
17 Swell to Choir 4′
18 Solo to Swell 8′
19 Solo to Great 8′
20 Solo to Choir 8′
22 Chimes on Great
23 Harp on Choir
24 Great/Choir exchange
25 All Swells to Swell