Project Description

About this Project

1981 Schantz, Opus 1641, 2/13. New digital Swell division, taking the existing Swell divisionĀ and converting to Choir division. New three-manual console built, total organ rewire.

Stop List

GREAT 1. Violone 16′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 8′
Manual II 3. Violone 8′
4. Gedeckt 8′
5. Flute Celeste II (Sw) 8′
6. Octave 4′
7. Koppelflute 4′
8. Super Octave 2′
9. Mixture III 1 1/3′
10. Bass Horn (Ch) 16′
11. Trumpet 8′
12. Festival Trumpet (Ch) 8′
13. Tremulant
14. Chimes


SWELL 1. Lieblich Gedeckt 16′
Expressive 2. Geigen Diapason 8′
Manual III 3. Stopped Diapason 8′
4. Salicional 8′
5. Voix Celeste 8′
6. Principal 4′
7. Flauto Traverso 4′
8. Octavin 2′
9. Plein Jeu IV 2′
10. Contre Trompette 16′
11. Trompette 8′
12. Hautbois 8′
13. Festival Trumpet (Ch) 8′
14. Tremulant
15. Swell to Swell 16′
16. Swell Unison Off
17. Swell to Swell 4′


CHOIR 1. Concert Flute 8′
Expressive 2. Rohrflute 8′
Manual I 3. Gemshorn 8′
4. Gemshorn Celeste 8′
5. Spitzprincipal 4′
6. Waldflute 4′
7. Nazard 2 2/3′
8. Open Flute 2′
9. Tierce 1 3/5′
10. Larigot 1 1/3′
11. Flugelhorn 8′
12. Clarinet 8′
13. Festival Trumpet 8′
14. Harp
15. Tremulant
16. Choir to Choir 16′
17. Choir Unison Off
18. Choir to Choir 4′


PEDAL 1. Contra Bourdon 32′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 16′
3. Bourdon 16′
4. Violone (Gt) 16′
5. Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw) 16′
6. Octave 8′
7. Bourdon 8′
8. Violone (Gt) 8′
9. Super Octave 4′
10. Bourdon 4′
11. Rauschpfeife II 2 2/3′
12. Contra Basson 32′
13. Posaune 16′
14. Contra Trompette (Sw) 16′
15. Trumpet 8′
16. Clarinet (Ch) 4′
17. Festival Trumpet (Ch) 8′


COUPLERS 1. Great to Pedal 8′
2. Swell to Pedal 8′
3. Swell to Pedal 4′
4. Choir to Pedal 8′
5. Choir to Pedal 4′
6. Swell to Great 8′
7. Swell to Great 4′
8. Choir to Great 8′
9. Choir to Great 4′
10. Swell to Choir 8′
11. Swell to Choir 4′
12. Great/Choir exchange
13. All Swells to Swell