Project Description
GREAT Manual I Expressive |
Bourdon Principal Gedackt Melodia Dulciana Erzhaler Celeste II Octave Koppelflute Waldflute Mixture IV Cromorne Chimes Melodic Bass Swell to Great Tremolo |
16′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 4′ 4′ 2′ 1 1/3′ 8′ |
SWELL Manual III Expressive |
Rohrflute Viola Viola Celeste Hohlflute Nazard Principal Plein Jeu IV Fife Contra Trompette Trompette Oboe Clarion Tremolo Swell Unison Off |
8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 4′ 4′ 2′1′ 16′ 8′ 8′ 4′ |
CHOIR Manual I Expressive |
Viola Viola Celeste Gedackt Principal Flute Nazard Piccolo Tierce Scharff III Clarinet Fanfare Trumpet Tremolo Choir Unison Off |
8′ 8′ 8′ 4′ 4′ 2 2/3′ 2′ 1 3/5′8′ 8′ |
PEDAL Expressive |
Contra Violone Diapason Bourdon Lieblich Gedackt Octave Gemshorn Flute Choralbass Posaune Trombone Trumpet Rohrschalmei |
32′ 16′ 16′ 16′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 4′ 32′ 16′ 8′ 4′ |
COUPLERS | Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Choir to Pedal Swell to Great Choir to Great Swell to Choir All Swells to Swell |
8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ 8′ |