Project Description

About this Project

Moller Opus 11595- 1982, III/29. We will be removing the pipework, and covering the organ for renovations to the church. Reinstallation will include building a new console, adding new switching system, new tremulants added, new organ blower, and onsite voicing/tonal finishing.

Stop List

GREAT 1. Violone 16′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 8′
Manual II 3. Violone 8′
4. Hohlflute 8′
5. Bourdon 8′
6. Octave 4′
7. Koppelflute 4′
8. Super Octave 2′
9. Mixture III-IV 1 1/3′
10. Trumnpet 8′
11. French Horn (Ch Exp) 8′
12. Clarinet (Choir) 8′
non-coupling 13. Harmonic Trumpet 8′
14. Chimes


SWELL 1. Lieblich Gedeckt 16′
Expressive 2. Geigen Diapason 8′
Manual III 3. Rohrflute 8′
4. Viole de Gambe 8′
5. Viole Celeste 8′
6. Flute Celeste II 8′
7. Principal 4′
8. Harmonic Flute 4′
9. Blockflute 2′
10. Plein Jeu IV 2′
11. Basson 16′
12. Trompette 8′
13. Oboe 8′
14. Vox Humana 8′
non-coupling 15. Harmonic Trumpet 8′
16. Tremulant
17. Swell to Swell 16′
18. Swell Unison Off
19. Swell to Swell 4′


CHOIR 1. Viola 8′
Expressive 2. Viola Celeste 8′
Manual I 3. Gedeckt 8′
4. Erzahler 8′
5. Erzahler Celete tc 8′
6. Spitzprincipal 4′
7. Farwell Flute 4′
8. Violina 4′
9. Nazard 2 2/3′
10. Waldflute 2′
11. Tierce 1 3/5′
12. Clarinet 8′
13. Cor d’Amour 8′
non-coupling 14. Harmonic Trumpet 8′
15. Tremulant
16. Choir to Choir 16′
17. Choir Unison Off
18. Choir to Choir 4′
19. Zimbelstern


PEDAL 1. Untersatz 32′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 16′
3. Violone (Great) 16′
4. Subbass 16′
5. Lieblich Gedeckt (Great) 16′
6. Octave 8′
7. Violone (Great) 8′
8. Bassflute 8′
9. Choralbass 4′
10. Nachthorn 4′
11. Mixture III 2 2/3′
12. Contra Basson 32′
13. Bombarde 16′
14. Basson (Swell) 16′
15. Trompete 8′
16. Trompette (Swell) 8′
17. Hautbois 4′
18. Harmonic Trumpet 8′
19. Chimes


COUPLERS 1. Great to Pedal 8′
2. Great to Pedal 4′
3. Swell to Pedal 8′
4. Swell to Pedal 4′
5. Choir to Pedal 8′
6. Choir to Pedal 4′
LCD Display Screen
7. Swell to Great 16′
8. Swell to Great 8′
9. Swell to Great 4′
10. Choir to Great 16′
11. Choir to Great 8′
12. Choir to Great 4′
13. Swell to Choir 16′
14. Swell to Choir 8′
15. Swell to Choir 4′
16. Great/Choir exchange