Project Description

About this Project

This project consisted of a mechanical, and tonal renovation of the 1970 W. Zimmer and Sons pipe organ.  The 2 manual console was refinished, and the specification was enlarged using digital voices.  All wind chests were transported to our shop for cleaning and repair.  While the pipe organ was removed, the chamber was englarged (almost doubled) which allows for improved pipe speech and tuning access.

Stop List

Shelby Presbyterian Specification


GREAT 1. Bourdon 16′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 8′
Manual I 3. Salicional 8′
4. Rohrflute 8′
5. Spitzflute 8′
6. Octave 4′
7. Harmonic Flute 4′
8. Spillflute 4′
9. Quint 2 2/3′
10. Super Octave 2′
11. Flachflute 2′
12. Tierce 1 3/5′
13. Mixture III-IV 1 1/3′
14. Trumpet 8′
15. Schalmei 8′
16. Tremulant
17. Swell to Great 16′
18. Swell to Great 8′
19. Swell to Great 4′


SWELL 1. Violin Diapason 8′
Expressive 2. Stopped Diapason 8′
Manual II 3. Viole de Gambe 8′
4. Viole Celeste 8′
5. Principal 4′
6. Nachthorn 4′
7. Waldflute 2′
8. Plein Jeu IV 2′
9. Basson 16′
10. Trompette 8′
11. Oboe 8′
12. Festival Trumpet 8′
13. Chimes
14. Tremulant
15. Swell Sub 16′
16. Swell Unison Off
17. Swell Super 4′


ANTIPHONAL 1. Principal 8′
Expressive 2. Co de Nuit 8′
Floating 3. Erzahler 8′
4. Erzahler Celeste 8′
5. Octave 4′
6. Open Flute 4′
7. Flugel Horn 8′
8. Antiphonal Super 4′
9. Antiphonal on Great
10. Antiphonal on Swell
11. Antiphonal on Pedal


PEDAL 1. Principal 16′
Unenclosed 2. Subbass 16′
3. Violone 16′
4. Lieblich Gedeckt 16′
5. Octave 8′
6. Violone 8′
7. Bourdon 8′
8. Choralbass 4′
9. Nachthorn 4′
10. Mixture III 2 2/3′
11. Contra Basson 32′
12. Posaune 16′
13. Basson (Swell) 16′
14. Trumpet (Great) 8′
15. Oboe (Swell)\ 4′
16. Great to Pedal 8′
17. Great to Pedal 4′
18. Swell to Pedal 8′
19. Swell to Pedal 4′