Project Description

About this Project

This project consisted of a new 4 manual hybrid organ with 12 pipe ranks, and 71 digital ranks.  A completely new 4 manual console, and new organ case with facade.

Stop List

pipes notes
GREAT 1. Violone 16′ 61
Unenclosed 2. Diapason 8′ 61
Manual II 3. Principal 8′ 61
4. Gamba 8′ 61
5. Bourdon 8′ 61
6. Harmonic Flute 8′ 61
7. Erzahler 8′ 61
8. Erzahler Celeste 8′ 61
9. Octave 4′ 61
10. Traverse Flute 4′ 61
11. Twelfth 2 2/3′ 61
12. Fifteenth 2′ 61
13. Fourniture IV 1 1/3′ 122
14. Bombarde 16′ 61
15. Bombarde 8′ 61
16. Cromorne (Choir) 8′
non-coupling 17. Tuba (Solo)
non-coupling 18. Festival Trumpet (Sanctuary) 8′
19. Tremulant
20. Chimes 25
21. Tower Bells
22. Great to Great 16′
23. Great Unison Off
24. Great to Great 4′
pipes notes
SWELL 1. Lieblich Gedeckt 16′ 61
Expressive 2. Montre 8′ 61
Manual III 3. Rohrflute 8′ 12
4. Salicional 8′ 61
5. Voix Celeste 8′ 61
6. Flute Celeste II 8′ 122
7. Prestant 4′ 61
8. Nachthorn 4′ 61
9. Quint 2 2/3′ 61
10. Doublette 2′
11. Tierce 1 3/5′ 61
12. Octavin 1′
13. Plein Jeu IV 2′ 122
14. Basson 16′ 61
15. Trompette 8′ 61
16. Bombardon 8′ 61
17. Hautbois 8′ 61
18. Voix humaine 8′ 61
19. Clairon 4′ 61
20. Tremulant
21. Swell to Swell 16′
22. Swell Unison Off
23. Swell to Swell 4′
pipes notes
CHOIR 1. Dulciana 16′ 12
Expressive 2. English Diapason 8′ 61
Manual I 3. Holz Gedeckt 8′ 61
4. Viola 8′ 61
5. Viola Celeste 8′ 61
6. Dulciana 8′ 61
7. Unda Maris 8′ 61
8. Octave 4′ 61
9. Koppel Flute 4′ 61
10. Nazard 2 2/3′ 61
11. Flautino 2′ 61
12. Tierce 1 3/5′ 61
13. Larigot 1 1/3′ 12
14. Scharff III 1′ 61
15. Corno di Bassetto 16′ 61
16. Flugel Horn 8′ 61
17. Cromorne 8′ 61
non-coupling 18. Tuba (Solo) 8′
non-coupling 19. Festival Trumpet (Sanctuary) 8′
20. Tremulant
21. Harp
22. Zimbelstern 110
23. Choir to Choir 16′
24. Choir Unison Off
25. Choir to Choir 4′
pipes notes
SOLO 1. Grand Diapason 8′ 61
Expressive 2. Flauto Mirabilis 8′ 61
Manual IV 3. Gamba 8′ 61
4. Gamba Celeste 8′ 61
5. Orchestral Flute 4′ 61
6. French Horn 8′ 61
7. English Horn 8′ 61
non-coupling 8. Tuba 8′ 61
non-coupling 9. Festival Trumpet (Sanctuary) 8′
10. Tremulant
11. Solo to Solo 16′
12. Solo Unison Off
13. Solo to Solo 4′
pipes notes
SANCTUARY 1. Principal 8′ 61
Expressive 2. Gedeckt 8′ 61
Floating 3. Erzahler 8′ 61
4. Erzahler Celeste 8′ 61
5. Octave 4′ 61
6. Spire Flute 4′ 61
7. Nazard 2 2/3 61
8. Waldflute 2′ 61
9. Mixture III 1 1/3′ 61
10. Petite Trompette 8′ 61
11. Tremulant
Festival Trumpet 8′ 61
Sanctus Bells 110
SANCTUARY 12. Contra Bass 16′ 12
PEDAL 13. Bourdon 16′ 12
14. Octave 8′
15. Bass Flute 8′
pipes notes
PEDAL 1. Contrabass 32′ 12
Unenclosed 2. Contra Violone 32′ 12
3. Contra Bourdon 32′ 32
4. Diapason 16′ 32
5. Subbass 16′ 32
6. Violone (Great) 16′
7. Lieblich Gedeckt (Swell) 16′
8. Dulciana (Choir) 16′
9. Octave 8′ 32
10. Bourdon 8′ 12
11. Violone (Great) 8′
12. Rohrbass (Swell) 8′
13. Choralbass 4′ 12
14. Cantus Flute 4′ 32
15. Mixture IV 2 2/3′ 64
16. Contre Bombarde 32′ 32
17. Trombone 16′ 32
18. Bombarde (Great) 16′
19. Basson (Swell) 16′
20. Corno di Bassetto (Choir) 16′
21. Tromba 8′ 32
22. Tuba (Solo) 8′
23. Festival Trumpet (Sanctuary) 8′
24. Clairon 4′ 12
25. Schalmei 4′ 32
26. Chimes (Great)


COUPLERS 1. Great to Pedal 8′
2. Great to Pedal 4′
3. Swell to Pedal 8′
4. Swell to Pedal 4′
5. Choir to Pedal 8′
6. Choir to Pedal 4′
7. Solo to Pedal 8′
8. Solo to Pedal 4′
9. Sanctuary to Pedal 8′
10. Sanctuary to Pedal 4′
11. Swell to Great 16′
12. Swell to Great 8′
13. Swell to Great 4′
14. Choir to Great 16′
15. Choir to Great 8′
16. Choir to Great 4′
17. Solo to Great 16′
18. Solo to Great 8′
19. Solo to Great 4′
Display Screen
20. Swell to Choir 16′
21. Swell to Choir 8′
22. Swell to Choir 4′
23. Solo to Choir 16′
24. Solo to Choir 8′
25. Solo to Choir 4′
26. Sanctuary on Great
27. Sanctuary on Swell
28. Sanctuary on Choir
29. Sanctuary on Solo